Tag: CHP plants
Natural Gas
Natural Gas and similar gases are an ideal fule for highly efficient power and cogeneration plants.
Coal Mine Gas
MWM gas engines in CHP plants using coal mine gas convert up to o 90 % of the energy bound in methane into power and heat.
Sewage Gas
MWM CHP and power plants with gas engines ideally configured for sewage gas. Immediate readiness worldwide.
MWM offers gas generators, complete cogeneration plants, and containers especially tuned to biogas.
Energy Solutions for Greenhouses
Highly-efficient CHP plants: Energy efficiency in plant nurseries and greenhouses. Contact the MWM sales division
Distributed Power Plants
MWM stands for highly-efficient and eco-friendly combined heat and power (CHP) plants for distributed power generation.
MWM Brand Strategy
MWM brand strategy: gas engines & complete solutions for decentralized energy supply (cogeneration or CHP plants) deliver premium quality in all areas of the value chain.
Cogeneration & Trigeneration
Cogeneration and trigeneration with MWM gas engines or the use of power and heat or cold enables energy savings of up to 60 percent.
Plant Engineering from One Source
MWM offers comprehensive plant concepts from gas processing to plant control to cold and heat extraction.
Heat Utilization
In cogeneration plants, both the thermal energy and the electrical energy are utilized. Depending on the application, the overall efficiency can reach more than 90 percent.
Cogeneration Power Plant Solutions
Eco-friendly MWM cogeneration power plants with combined heat and power enable decentralized, economical and energy-efficient power production.