Метка: распределенная энергетика
Свалочный газ
Электростанции на базе газовых двигателей MWM, оптимизированные для работы на свалочном газе.
Контакты в странах Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии
International locations and distributors of MWM, one of the world’s leading providers of highly efficient, eco-friendly plants for decentralized energy generation. Development and optimization of gensets for natural gas and special gases.
Реализованные проекты
References from MWM, One of the world’s leading providers of highly efficient, eco-friendly plants for decentralized energy generation. Development and optimization of gensets for natural gas and special gases.
Press events MWM, providers of highly efficient, eco-friendly chp-plants for decentralized energy generation.